The Return of the Green Goblin
"The Return of the Green Goblin" was the eighth episode in Season 4 for the animated series Spider-Man.
The episode opens with Harry Osborn being driven insane. He then becomes the second Green Goblin and visits Oscorp in order to supply himself with superhuman powers. Anna Watson meets The Punisher whilst he is visiting a graveyard. She informs him about her loss of Mary Jane and invites him for tea. He subsequently promises to return her and Anna informs him that her friend Aunt May's nephew may possibly have knowledge of her whereabouts. Meanwhile, Peter and Liz Allan visit Harry, however, they are attacked by the goblin. The Punisher and Spider-Man are eventually able to elude the goblin and return Mary Jane. Harry is incarcerated at Ravencroft rehab at the end of the episode. Another cartoon by the same name also exists.
- This is the first episode where Julie Bennett replaces Linda Gary as Aunt May due to Gary's death.
- This episode features Harry Osborn becoming the second Green Goblin. In the comics, Harry grew insane and became the new Green Goblin and died of the Goblin formula overdose. But, here in the series, Harry actually contacted his father from limbo through a spiritual link because the show's creators thought that would be too complicated for the younger kids to understand. This is why they threw the Green Goblin into limbo (The censors originally banned characters from being killed off, and this loophole ended up becoming a plot device).
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Animated productions based on Marvel Comics properties
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